Analisis Spasial Temporal Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan Permukiman
spatial, land use, South KonaweAbstract
Land is widely used by humans to meet their living needs. One of them is that land is used as a place for human habitation. The research aims to determine the spatial temporal changes in residential land use in 2014-2023 and determine the causes of spatial temporal changes in residential land use in Konda District and Ranomeeto District. This research uses spatial analysis on Landsat 8 images. The results of the research are that land use in Konda District in 2014-2023 saw changes in non-built land where the forest area decreased by 862 ha. Changes in built-up land resulted in an increase in plantation area by 88.70 ha, rice fields by 200.00 ha and residential area by 1.00 ha. In Ranomeeto District, in 2014-2023, there was an increase in the use of non-built-up land, namely bushes, 1,917.49 ha. For built-up land, the increase occurred in the residential criteria of 629.06 ha. The factors causing land change in Konda District and Ranomeeto District are economic factors, demographic factors and location factors.
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