
| SCOPUS ID: 57201353799 | SINTA ID: 6026254 | Google Scholar: eA9QuTQAAAAJ
Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
Expertise : Geography Education, Environmental Science, Holticulture, Agronomy, Agriculture Plant Science
Abdul Malik
| SCOPUS ID: 56909358300 | SINTA ID: 5999101 | Google Scholar: _gGNoVkAAAAJ
Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia
Expertise : Magrove, Remote Sensing, Forest Degradation, Forest Management, Biodiversity, Ecosystem Service Valuation and Marine
Uca Sideng
| SCOPUS ID: 57192422541 | SINTA ID: 6196198 | Google Scholar: ZEWrSo8AAAAJ
Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia
Expertise : Soil of Geography, Mitigation Hazard, Hydrology
Muhamad Isa Ramadhan
| SCOPUS ID: 57202309290 | SINTA ID: 6745427 | Google Scholar: 0vk27KcAAAAJ
Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
Expertise : Geography Education, Human Geography
Andri Estining Sejati
| SCOPUS ID: 57211280452 | SINTA ID: 6692775 | Google Scholar: ACCyqpUAAAAJ
Universitas Sembilasbelas November Kolaka, Indonesia
Expertise : Geography Education, Geographic Information System, Remote Sensing
Rosmini Maru
| SCOPUS ID: 56669628200 | SINTA ID: 6009163 | Google Scholar: zj7Umc4AAAAJ
Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia
Expertise : Geography, Meteorolgy and Climatology, Urban Climate
Rusman Rasyid
| SCOPUS ID: 56922195600 | SINTA ID: 5981162 | Google Scholar: EMV2PW8AAAAJ
Universitas Khairun, Indonesia
Expertise : Geography Education, Population Geography
Surani Hasanati
| SINTA ID: 259254 | Google Scholar: dytaXzsAAAAJ
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Expertise : River Development, Rural Development, Coastal Development,Community Empowerment, Disaster Risk Reduction
Suratman Worosuprojo
| SCOPUS ID: 6505537483 | SINTA ID: 6011030 | Google Scholar:  zj7Umc4AAAAJ
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Expertise : Geography, Ecology
Sakinah Fathrunnadi Shalihati
| SCOPUS ID: 57464965300 | Google Scholar: Wlc6Gv8AAAAJ
Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Indonesia
Expertise : Geography Education, Human Geography, Regional Development Planning, Travel Behavior
Muhammad Baiquni
| SCOPUS ID: 57224447304 | SINTA ID: 6024843 | Google Scholar: o1phP0IAAAAJ
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Expertise : Geography, Environment Studies, Tourism
Jufri Karim
| SINTA ID: 5981330 | Google Scholar: RjR_KeoAAAAJ
Universitas Halu Oleo, Indonesia
Expertise : Geographic Information System, Remote Sensing, Geology